Unfortunately I have failed to accomplish my goal of posting on this blog everyday. California was so much fun! I loved spending time with the Lunds and getting to know them better. It's been hard adjusting back to my schedule of work and classes :( Today I found out that I have my Music History midterm on Monday. Hopefully I will be able to do alright without having the notes from this past week. This particular professor wasn't the most understanding about our trip. One of the highlights of my day was that Philosophy class was canceled. Philosophy is not my thing, it just doesn't come naturally to me. I guess it's good that Kyle can help me in this area :)
So on Wednesday, our last day in San Diego, Kyle, Brian and I went to the beach in La Jolla, CA to see the sea lions and while there I injured my foot. We were walking on the rocks in the cove and I, in all my gracefulness, stubbed my big toe on a rock and split the top of it open. It didn't hurt a lot at the time, but it was annoying because it kept bleeding and I was wearing flip flops so sand was getting into the cut and irritating it even more. Yesterday I worked a double at TGIF, and the longer I was on my feet the more my toe hurt. After working all day I developed quite the limp, and it now hurts a lot to walk. Unfortunately I had to give up my closing shift tonight because I couldn't walk very well. I felt kind of like a baby, but it really does hurt!
Enough about my toe though :) On the plane ride home I read a WONDERFUL book that I bought at Westminster entitled, "The True Woman" by Susan Hunt. She was talked about what true womanhood looks like and how we need to be women of the Word, not women of our current culture. I highly recommend this book!
Anyway, well I'm going to hang out with Kyle now. Remember to pray for him as he is preparing to "exhort the congregation" during this week's "covenant renewal ceremony." You should all come and hear him :)
Not distant past
1 year ago
So sorry to hear about your toe. Hope it is better by now. Glad you are back safely and that you had such a wonderful time. Love you. Julie.
Hi Rachel - hope you're feeling better today. We look forward to coming over on the 21st; I have church responsibilities here tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about your toe! Hey, I forgot to ask, did you ever look at Hidden Cove apts and the ones on Quince before you left?
Oww Rach that sounds painful. I'm glad you had a good time in California.
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