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Thursday, October 11, 2007

California Dreamin'

Well Rachel and I got home at about 3:30am from San Diego. We must say, we had a superb time with the Lunds. We also really enjoyed visiting and seeing Westminster Seminary, well at least I did. Tuesday was my official campus visit day. I got a tour of all three buildings and five classrooms (yep! it's small). I sat in on a class with Michael Horton, which I loved! He was finishing up his lecture on the ills of Schleirmacher who has rightly been called "The Father of Liberalism." For those of you who know nothing about him, ultimately it comes down to the fact that he stressed religion is found internal to the subject and expressed outwardly. The best thing of my time in Horton's class though was when a young man raised his hand and actually thought Horton was wrong and that Schleirmacher may have been a good guy. With tact and ease Horton threw down that opinion. Almost as good was when another guy thought Horton was wrong and that the liberal theologians of the 20th century had a high view of sin. Again, Horton won (is that guy even beatable?) After that I got to sit in on a class with Robert Godfrey. We talked a lot about the nature of the Mosaic Covenant and whether it fell into the Covenant of Works or the Covenant of Grace. I can tell Seminary is going to fare very well with me.
I enjoyed a great lunch with Westminster's very own Julius Kim. He took Brian and I out to eat and spent a good deal of time talking about things. It was refreshing, edifying, and very encouraging. I also spent some time in the bookstore that day, until my eyes glazed over (okay, not really).
All in all, it was a WONDERFUL trip. Rachel and I are really looking forward to moving out there next year. I must admit it was a slap with reality when I walked back into UWL classes (especially when in my first class I guess I had a midterm). For now that's all there is to report.

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