I can't believe that it is already November! As I am getting older time really seems to be passing by faster and faster. Last year at this time we were ironing out the remaining wedding details; before we know it it will be our first anniversary! Sometimes I feel like I'm not old enough to be married and almost done with college. It's really surreal. My Mom always says that she doesn't feel old enough to have six kids and a son in law. I wonder if anyone ever actually feels their age. When I was little I thought 21 was soooo old; actually I thought 16 was old! Now my youngest sister is 16, and in the process of deciding where she is going to go to college! I was just talking to Ruth about colleges this morning, and it struck me how my siblings really are growing up.
All this talk about time going by quickly has been a good reminder to me to use my time wisely. Our lives on earth are but a vapor when compared to eternity. It is often easy for me to get caught up in the things of this world, and in the hum drum of my daily life. I have been trying to be more conscious of living with an eternal perspective; with my eyes fixed on Christ everyday.
Well there is my thought for today,
"All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” 1 Peter 1:24~25
Not distant past
1 year ago
"Hum Drum" Rachel?
It's so true how we focus on our daily lives (worrying) and forget that our time on earth is short. I've been working hard to let go of the worries on earth and let God take care of them.
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