Is the pill abortive? If we believe that life begins at conception, then Randy Alcorn says yes. This is something that Christians need to seriously consider. Unfortunately, many young couples see the pill as a valid form of birth control, all the while ignoring the fact they may be destroying a human being created in the image of God. I'm not sure this is a closed case--the medical community seems split. Needless to say, the medical community's inability to decisively determine how the pill works ought to caution Christians against using it.
Not distant past
1 year ago
Our denomination did a study of this and concluded that there was no medical evidence for this. I think it's in our latest Acts of Synod. Perhaps best to err on the side of safety. Who'd want to limit the number of children one has anyway? :)
The very fact that this is a disputed claim within the medical community should throw up serious red flags for Christians. In this case not only is it better safe than sorry, I think it's absolutely necessary for Christians to abstain from using this. I know too many young couples who use it without seriously thinking ethically. They hear one pastor or doctor say "It's not abortive" and they treat it like an infallible statement.
And despite what your denomination says, I respect them a lot, I tend to side with Driscoll and Alcorn on this one.
There are two pharmaceuticals to think about here: morning after pill and daily birth control.
Morning after pill is correctly identified as the "abortion pill" because it purposely terminates a pregnancy.
Daily birth control is a pill that creates additional mucus to be created around the egg. So that when the egg attracts the sperm to it the sperm wears its self out BEFORE it gets to the egg.
The daily bc pill does not modify the egg to kill a life once it has been created. I like to use a farming analogy here. Todays farming seeds are genetically modified to kill weeds before they start...this isn't the case with daily bc use. Daily bc is more a condom for your egg than anything else.
Another thing to keep in mind, if you have a good health care provider they will explain EXACTLY how each form of birth control works...with so many details you will want to yell enough already! :)
If they are good and looking out for your health and listening to your concerns...would tell you more sperm than the 3% fail rate makes it thru that mucus around the egg and NOT to rely solely on the daily pill.
Ahhh. That's it. :)
Thanks for that. BUT if the sperm does get through the mucus the daily BC creates a hostile environment in the uterus so the egg never actually attaches to the wall, but is still fertilized. This, of course, begs to ask the question when does life begin? If at conception, then the daily BC pill would flush out a fertilized egg...and that would be abortion.
I readily admit this isn't a universally accepted opinion in the medial community, but it is disputed--that much anyone has to admit.
Let's see if it posts this time
Its a what came first the chicken or egg situation. In the end you have to go with what your heart and conscience feel is right for you. :)
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