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Aunt Bekah and Ev eating baked oatmeal with crasins and walnuts for lunch. Yum!
Ev isn't feeling so well today...cuddle time with Daddy helps though.
I need to apologize to my faithful followers of the blog for my lack of posts the last several days. Ev ran off with the camera and I couldn't find it for awhile :) Now that the camera is found you can expect the photo posts to resume ;)
Tonight we went for a walk after dinner and got ice cream. Evie LOVES ice cream cones :)
Huckie loves Aunt Bekah too :)
Bonding time with Aunt Bekah!
Aunt Bekah is here!!
Yay we are now the owners of a double stroller! Thanks Mom and Dad :)
Sears installed 3 replacement windows for us today; this one in the living room as well as the two in the dining room. It is so nice to have windows that can open (they were previously painted closed).
Best feeling ever :)
There is a new Fresh Market grocery store that just opened by Knapp's Corner in Grand Rapids. We went and checked it out today and they are having some great grand opening sales. We got fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts for $1.49 per lb! I just got done packaging them into portioned sized bags and stocking up our freezer. I ended up with 18 bags!! That will last awhile ;)
My little angel baby who only made me get up once last night :) Good job Judah!
This is the view that I often have when I'm sitting in the chair feeding Judah...kinda creepy Huckie :)
This little girl had a bath right after nap time and screamed through the whole thing...maybe her bath fears are returning, who knows. She she is currently recovering by laying on the couch with her blankies, Millie and juice :)
Evie and Benjamin at the Children's Museum :)
Grocery shopping with Ev and Judah. Let's just say this is definitely not a boring experience :)
Evie on the "hosie"
Father-Son bonding time. Ah my two favorite men; aren't they handsome :)
Happy Mother's Day! I am so thankful and honored to be Evelyn and Judah's Mom. They are such a blessing to me. I can't
believe that Judah is one month old today!!
The Evie bench press :)
Early morning coloring...both children decided to wake up at 6:30 today :/
We had our friends Bill and Paige Kamp over for dinner tonight...Evie and Liam had fun reading "Danny and the Dinosaur" together :)
Little baby Judah slept through dinner...
Evie and I discovered a lilac bush in our yard today. One of our new favorite things to do lately is to walk around outside picking "flowers"...until now we just picked dandelions. Ahhh the lilacs are making our house smell so good; I think that May is one of my favorite months!
Kyle decided to test out Judah's pacifier...don't ask me why...
Today I enjoyed a concert featuring Evelyn Grace :)